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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 100

Italiano (Italia) Answers - Level 100

Parole che cominciano con una lettera muta - (Text Question)

  1. Hotel
  2. Hostess
  3. Hamburger
  4. Hanno
  5. Hot dog
  6. Habitat
  7. Hobby
  8. Hawaii
  9. Hai

Persone famose pelate - (Text Question)

  1. Claudio Bisio
  2. Bruce Willis
  3. Vin Diesel
  4. Pierluigi Collina
  5. Rudy Zerbi
  6. Aldo baglio
  7. Maurizio Crozza
  8. Skin
  9. Bisio
  10. Collina
  11. Crozza
  12. Zerbi
  13. Aldo

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Jeep
  2. Savana
  3. Safari
  4. Gnu
  5. Zebra
  6. Africa
  7. Macchina
  8. Mandria
  9. Deserto
  10. Prato
  11. Branco
  12. Auto
  13. Prateria
  14. Fuoristrada
  15. Camion
  16. Furgone
  17. Zebre
  18. Defender

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