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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 112

Português (Brasil) Answers - Level 112

Golfe - (Text Question)

  1. Taco
  2. Bola
  3. Campo
  4. Buraco
  5. Carrinho
  6. Esporte
  7. Grama
  8. Gramado
  9. Bolinha
  10. Buracos
  11. Tacos
  12. Bolas

Grande escritor brasileiro - (Text Question)

  1. Machado de Assis
  2. Paulo Coelho
  3. Monteiro Lobato
  4. Jorge Amado
  5. José de Alencar
  6. Clarice Lispector
  7. Carlos Drummond de Andrade

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Maquiagem
  2. Mulher
  3. Batom
  4. Beleza
  5. Esmalte
  6. Pincel

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