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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 199

Português (Brasil) Answers - Level 199

Música do Michael Jackson - (Text Question)

  1. Thriller
  2. Billie Jean
  3. Beat It
  4. Black or White
  5. Bad
  6. I'll be There
  7. Smooth Criminal
  8. We Are the World
  9. ABC
  10. They don't Care About Us
  11. They don't care about us
  12. Triller
  13. Ill be there
  14. Black and white
  15. Billy jean
  16. Smoth criminal
  17. Beat ir
  18. Triler
  19. All be there
  20. I will be there
  21. Beat
  22. Billie jeans
  23. Thriler
  24. Billi jean
  25. Billy jeans
  26. Thiller
  27. Trhiller
  28. Trilher

Pratos com arroz - (Text Question)

  1. Risoto
  2. Sushi
  3. Bolinho de arroz
  4. Arroz doce
  5. Baião de dois
  6. Strogonoff
  7. Canja
  8. Paella
  9. Bolinho
  10. Arroz e feijao
  11. Temaki
  12. Arroz com feijao
  13. Estrogonofe
  14. Risotto
  15. Rizoto

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Óculos
  2. Rio
  3. Paisagem
  4. Visão
  5. Foco
  6. Lente
  7. Agua
  8. Nitidez

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