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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 193

English (UK) Answers - Level 193

A place where people listen to the radio - (Text Question)

  1. Car
  2. Home
  3. Work
  4. Gym
  5. Party
  6. Beach
  7. Shower
  8. House
  9. Office
  10. Room
  11. Kitchen
  12. Bathroom
  13. Bedroom
  14. Living room

Something you do to wake up when you're tired - (Text Question)

  1. Drink coffee
  2. Shower
  3. Exercise
  4. Wash face
  5. Eat
  6. Alarm
  7. Stretch
  8. Listen to music
  9. Coffee
  10. Music
  11. Walk
  12. Run
  13. Tea
  14. Bath
  15. Caffeine
  16. Radio
  17. Cold shower
  18. Food
  19. Alarm clock
  20. Splash face
  21. Wash your face
  22. Loud music
  23. Drink tea
  24. Splash water on face
  25. Eat breakfast
  26. Walk around
  27. Water on face
  28. Play music
  29. Splash water in face
  30. Splash water on your face
  31. Cold water on face
  32. Cup of tea
  33. Drink caffeine
  34. Eat candy
  35. Eat sugar
  36. Go for a walk
  37. Have coffee
  38. Set alarm
  39. Splash cold water on face
  40. Splash face with water
  41. Alarms
  42. Do exercise
  43. Eat food
  44. Have a shower
  45. Have shower
  46. Listen to loud music
  47. Set alarms
  48. Set an alarm
  49. Splash your face with cold water
  50. Take a cold shower
  51. Take a shower
  52. Take shower
  53. Wash my face

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Kids
  2. Tug-of-war
  3. Rope
  4. Pull
  5. Tug of war
  6. Children
  7. Tug a war
  8. Pulling
  9. Tug o war
  10. Kid
  11. Tug-a-war
  12. Tug-o-war
  13. Childhood
  14. Tug of rope
  15. Tug a rope

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