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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 253

English (UK) Answers - Level 253

A way parents punish kids - (Text Question)

  1. Grounding
  2. Time out
  3. Spanking
  4. No TV
  5. No phone
  6. Chores
  7. No dessert
  8. Grounded
  9. Spank
  10. Ground
  11. Timeout
  12. Smack
  13. Hit
  14. Take away phone
  15. Naughty step
  16. Slap
  17. Ground them
  18. Corner
  19. Go to room
  20. Room
  21. Send to room
  22. Take phone
  23. Naughty corner
  24. Take phone away
  25. No television
  26. Sent to room
  27. No sweets
  28. Hitting
  29. No going out
  30. Go to your room
  31. Phone
  32. No candy
  33. No desert
  34. Clean
  35. No phones
  36. Face the wall
  37. Spankings
  38. Sit in corner
  39. Cleaning
  40. Hit them
  41. Clean room
  42. Extra chores
  43. No treats
  44. Sit in the corner
  45. Take away tv
  46. Taking away phone
  47. Wooden spoon
  48. Stand in corner
  49. No cell phone
  50. Spank them
  51. Do chores
  52. Time-out
  53. Grounding them
  54. Phone taken away
  55. No cellphone
  56. Spanks
  57. Time outs
  58. More chores
  59. Naughty chair
  60. No telly
  61. Take away phones
  62. Confiscate phone
  63. Put in corner
  64. Take tv
  65. Make them do chores
  66. No candies
  67. Take away their phone
  68. Taking phone
  69. Taking phone away
  70. Phone taken
  71. No mobiles

Fashion trends from the 80s - (Text Question)

  1. Leg warmers
  2. Neon
  3. Big hair
  4. Shoulder pads
  5. Headbands
  6. Scrunchies
  7. Leggings
  8. Legwarmers
  9. Bright colors
  10. Head bands
  11. Tights
  12. Bright
  13. Headband
  14. Neon colors
  15. Crimped hair
  16. Scrunchy
  17. Leg warmer
  18. Frizzy hair
  19. Poofy hair
  20. Teased hair
  21. Puffy hair

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Water aerobics
  2. Pool
  3. Instructor
  4. Class
  5. Women
  6. Exercise
  7. Aerobics
  8. Teacher
  9. Ladies
  10. Swimming pool
  11. Old people
  12. Trainer
  13. Coach
  14. Woman
  15. Aqua aerobics
  16. Old ladies
  17. Aquarobics
  18. Aquasize
  19. Aquafit
  20. Classes
  21. Exercise class
  22. Aquaerobics
  23. Aquagym
  24. Aqua fit
  25. Aqua gym
  26. Indoor pool
  27. Leader
  28. Aqua aerobic
  29. Swim aerobics
  30. Water aerobic
  31. Aquaaerobics
  32. Aquajogging
  33. Aqua zumba

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