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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 378

English (UK) Answers - Level 378

Extinct animals - (Text Question)

  1. Dodo
  2. Mammoth
  3. Saber-toothed tiger
  4. Tyrannosaurus rex
  5. Tasmanian tiger
  6. Dodo bird
  7. Saber tooth tiger
  8. Wooly mammoth
  9. T rex
  10. Trex
  11. Sabertooth tiger
  12. Mamoth
  13. T-rex
  14. Sabre tooth tiger
  15. Woolly mammoth
  16. Mammoths
  17. Sabertooth
  18. Dodo birds
  19. Saber toothed tiger
  20. Do do bird
  21. Saber tooth
  22. Wolly mammoth
  23. Wooly mamoth
  24. Thylacine
  25. Sabor tooth tiger
  26. Mammouth
  27. Dodos
  28. Sabretooth tiger
  29. Do do
  30. Tyrannosaurus
  31. Saber tooth tigers
  32. Dodobird
  33. Sabar tooth

Something other than your teeth you clean with a toothbrush - (Text Question)

  1. Shoe
  2. Toilet
  3. Sink
  4. Tile
  5. Floor
  6. Jewelry
  7. Tongue
  8. Shoes
  9. Grout
  10. Tiles
  11. Silver
  12. Faucet
  13. Jewellery
  14. Floors
  15. Taps
  16. Boots
  17. Toilets
  18. Faucets
  19. Hand basin

typewriter_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Typewriter
  2. Coffee
  3. Hand
  4. Paper
  5. Red
  6. Hands
  7. Orange
  8. Type writer
  9. Cup
  10. Mug

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