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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 229

English (UK) Answers - Level 229

A food you crack open to eat - (Text Question)

  1. Nut
  2. Egg
  3. Coconut
  4. Crab
  5. Lobster
  6. Fortune cookie
  7. Nuts
  8. Peanut
  9. Walnut
  10. Pistachio
  11. Eggs
  12. Peanuts
  13. Pistachios
  14. Walnuts
  15. Pecan
  16. Almond
  17. Crab legs
  18. Fortune cookies
  19. Crabs
  20. Chestnut
  21. Coconuts
  22. Hazelnut
  23. Crab leg

Something you don't want to see when camping - (Text Question)

  1. Bear
  2. Storm
  3. Snake
  4. Bug
  5. Fire
  6. Wolf
  7. Skunk
  8. Rain
  9. Bugs
  10. Spider
  11. Snow
  12. Bears
  13. Snakes
  14. Mosquito
  15. Lightning
  16. Tornado
  17. Spiders
  18. Insects
  19. Forest fire
  20. Mosquitos
  21. Wolves
  22. Bad weather

examination_bubbles_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Test
  2. Pencil
  3. Bubble
  4. Answer
  5. Hand
  6. Multiple choice
  7. Exam
  8. Answers
  9. Bubbles
  10. Circles
  11. Choice
  12. Fingers
  13. Quiz
  14. Bubble sheet
  15. Answer sheet
  16. SATs
  17. Testing
  18. #2 pencil
  19. Bubbling
  20. Exams
  21. Multi choice
  22. Tests
  23. Number 2 pencil
  24. Standardized test
  25. Bubble in
  26. Pencils
  27. Muliple choice
  28. Multichoice
  29. Number two pencil
  30. No. 2 pencil

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