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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 121

English (Canada) Answers - Level 121

A country in Africa - (Text Question)

  1. Egypt
  2. South Africa
  3. Kenya
  4. Nigeria
  5. Zimbabwe
  6. Chad
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Sudan

Annoying sounds - (Text Question)

  1. Horn
  2. Alarm
  3. Crying
  4. Screaming
  5. Barking
  6. Farting
  7. Chewing
  8. Snoring
  9. Yelling
  10. Scream
  11. Fart
  12. Bark
  13. Cry
  14. Beep
  15. Beeping
  16. Snore
  17. Honk
  18. Honking
  19. Alarm clock
  20. Chew
  21. Horns
  22. Fire alarm
  23. Baby crying
  24. Car alarm
  25. Car horn
  26. Alarms
  27. Dog barking
  28. Baby cry
  29. Crying baby
  30. Farts
  31. Smoke alarm
  32. Toot
  33. Air horn
  34. Chewing gum
  35. Crying babies
  36. Gum chewing
  37. Screams
  38. Babies crying
  39. Barking dog
  40. Dogs barking
  41. Kids crying
  42. Loud chewing
  43. Barking dogs
  44. Car alarms
  45. Car horns
  46. Chewing loudly
  47. Children screaming
  48. Dog bark
  49. Alarm clocks
  50. Baby screaming
  51. Barks
  52. Car honk
  53. Chewing with mouth open
  54. Chewing with your mouth open
  55. Child crying
  56. Children crying
  57. Fart noises
  58. Fire alarms
  59. Kids screaming
  60. Screaming children

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Rocks
  2. Water
  3. Beach
  4. Sky
  5. Sand
  6. Clouds
  7. Ocean
  8. rock
  9. Sea
  10. Boulders

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