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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 348

English (Canada) Answers - Level 348

Something on your body you color - (Text Question)

  1. Nails
  2. Hair
  3. Lips
  4. Eyelids
  5. Cheeks
  6. Eyebrows
  7. Eyelashes
  8. Eyelid
  9. Eyebrow
  10. Toenails
  11. Cheek
  12. Eye lids
  13. Nail
  14. Lashes
  15. Eyelash
  16. Toe nails
  17. Eye brows
  18. Eye lashes
  19. Fingernails
  20. Eye lid
  21. Lip
  22. Finger nails
  23. Lash
  24. Toenail
  25. Eye brow

Something you trade - (Text Question)

  1. Cards
  2. Money
  3. Food
  4. Stocks
  5. Cars
  6. Clothes
  7. Phone numbers
  8. Car
  9. Phone
  10. Stock
  11. Numbers
  12. Baseball cards
  13. Lunch
  15. Pokemon
  16. Currency
  17. Pokemon cards
  18. Business cards
  19. Lunches
  20. Sports cards
  21. Trading cards
  22. Collectable cards
  23. Hockey cards
  24. Picture cards
  25. Pokeman cards

hipster_office_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Happy
  2. Work
  3. Beard
  4. Computer
  5. Sticky note
  6. Smile
  7. Office
  8. Laugh
  9. Sticker
  10. Be happy
  11. Note
  12. Laughing
  13. Post it
  14. Mustache
  15. Happiness
  16. Moustache
  17. Smiling
  18. Job
  19. Monitor
  20. Working
  21. Post it note
  22. Laughter
  23. Laptop
  24. Postit
  25. Post-it
  26. Postit note
  27. Computers
  28. Computer screen
  29. Post-it note

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