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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 59

English (Canada) Answers - Level 59

Cooking terms used in recipes - (Text Question)

  1. Cup
  2. Teaspoon
  3. Tablespoon
  4. Stir
  5. Bake
  6. Mix
  7. Boil
  8. Chop
  9. cups
  10. Tablespoons
  11. table spoon
  12. tsp
  13. tbs
  14. Teaspoons
  15. baked
  16. chopped
  17. a cup
  18. tea spoons
  19. cup of
  20. table spoons

English words starting with "Y" - (Text Question)

  1. Yellow
  2. Yes
  3. You
  4. Yell
  5. Yak
  6. Yoyo
  7. Young
  8. Yesterday
  9. yellow

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Egypt
  2. Pyramid
  3. Sphinx
  4. Ancient
  5. Sand
  6. Old
  7. Sphynx
  8. Pyramids
  9. Egyptian
  10. Historic
  11. Historical
  12. Great pyramids

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