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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 357

English (Canada) Answers - Level 357

Food that shrinks when you cook it - (Text Question)

  1. Beef
  2. Pork
  3. Bacon
  4. Chicken
  5. Spinach
  6. Fish
  7. Mushroom
  8. Onion
  9. Kale
  10. Steak
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Onions
  13. Hamburger
  14. Burger
  15. Burgers
  16. Poultry
  17. Hamburgers
  18. Ground beef
  19. Salmon
  20. Chicken breast
  21. Pork chop
  22. Pork chops
  23. Boneless chicken

It didn't exist before 2000 - (Text Question)

  1. iPhone
  2. Facebook
  3. iPad
  4. Instagram
  5. Twitter
  6. Snapchat
  7. YouTube
  8. Iphones
  9. Iphone x
  10. I phone
  11. Ipads
  12. Iphone 8
  13. Iphone 7
  14. Iphone 6

wallet_euros_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Money
  2. Wallet
  3. Magnifying glass
  4. Cards
  5. Coins
  6. Coin
  7. Magnify
  8. Card
  9. Credit cards
  10. Credit card
  11. Cash
  12. Change
  13. Euro
  14. Bills
  15. Magnifier
  16. Notes
  17. Currency
  18. Glass
  19. Magnify glass
  20. Toonie
  21. Euros
  22. Magnifing glass
  23. Purse
  24. Magnified
  25. Dollars
  26. Wallett
  27. Dollar
  28. Peso
  29. Pound
  30. Foreign money
  31. Pennies
  32. Twoonie
  33. Cents
  34. Loop

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