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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 269

English (Canada) Answers - Level 269

A job an athlete might have after he/she retires - (Text Question)

  1. Coach
  2. Trainer
  3. Commentator
  4. Teacher
  5. Actor
  6. Manager
  7. Speaker
  8. Personal trainer
  9. Announcer
  10. Reporter
  11. Gym teacher
  12. Presenter
  13. Sportscaster
  14. Instructor
  15. Host
  16. Broadcaster
  17. Sports caster
  18. Pe teacher
  19. Motivational speaker
  20. Coaching
  21. Sports announcer
  22. Analyst
  23. Tv host
  24. Pundit
  25. Sports commentator
  26. Tv presenter
  27. Sports reporter
  28. Actress
  29. Sports teacher
  30. Public speaker
  31. Teach
  32. Fitness trainer
  33. Athletic trainer
  34. Gym trainer
  35. Talk show host
  36. Acting
  37. Sports coach
  38. Teaching
  39. Sport teacher
  40. General manager
  41. Physical trainer
  42. Assistant coach
  43. Sports presenter
  44. Tv personality
  45. Sport commentator
  46. A coach
  47. Gym coach

People get this removed from their bodies - (Text Question)

  1. Hair
  2. Mole
  3. Appendix
  4. Tattoo
  5. Fat
  6. Tooth
  7. Tumor
  8. Tonsils
  9. Wart
  10. Tonsil
  11. Teeth
  12. Moles
  13. Cancer
  14. Tattoos
  15. Warts
  16. Wisdom teeth
  17. Apendix
  18. Tumors
  19. Wisdom tooth

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Mud
  2. Race
  3. Obstacle
  4. Climb
  5. Run
  6. Dirty
  7. Dirt
  8. Muddy
  9. Obstacle course
  10. Hurdle
  11. Competition
  12. Obstacles
  13. Course
  14. Hurdles
  15. Challenge
  16. Tough mudder

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