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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 375

English (Canada) Answers - Level 375

Something you'd find in a bank robber's bag - (Text Question)

  1. Money
  2. Gun
  3. Mask
  4. Glove
  5. Knife
  6. Phone
  7. Gloves
  8. Gold
  9. Note
  10. Cash
  11. Coins
  12. Guns
  13. Balaclava
  14. Ski mask
  15. Masks
  16. Phones
  17. Dollars
  18. Notes
  19. A gun
  20. Face mask
  21. Mobile
  22. A phone
  23. Bank notes
  24. Bills
  25. Black mask
  26. Burner phone
  27. Facemask
  28. Fake gun
  29. knives
  30. Mobile phone

Terms used in bowling - (Text Question)

  1. Strike
  2. Spare
  3. Gutter
  4. Turkey
  5. Pin
  6. Split
  7. Lane
  8. Pins
  9. Gutter ball
  10. Gutterball
  11. Double strike
  12. Kingpin
  13. Spair
  14. Ten pin
  15. 10 pin
  16. Bowling pins
  17. Lanes
  18. A turkey
  19. Bowling pin
  20. Gutters
  21. King pin
  22. Ten-pin
  23. Baby split
  24. Five-pin
  25. Seven-ten split
  26. Triple strike

Football_kid_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Soccer
  2. Kid
  3. Ball
  4. Kick
  5. Field
  6. Green
  7. Boy
  8. Grass
  9. Football
  10. Child
  11. Kids
  12. Kicking
  13. Shoot
  14. Pitch
  15. Turf
  16. Children
  17. Little boy
  18. Little kid
  19. Shooting

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