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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 394

English (Canada) Answers - Level 394

An animal that weighs more than 100kg/200lbs - (Text Question)

  1. Elephant
  2. Whale
  3. Hippopotamus
  4. Rhinoceros
  5. Giraffe
  6. Lion
  7. Bear
  8. Horse
  9. Hippo
  10. Rhino
  11. Blue whale
  12. Polar bear
  13. Elephants
  14. Girrafe
  15. Girraffe
  16. Killer whale
  17. Girafe
  18. Orca
  19. Rhinocerous
  20. Bears
  21. Whales
  22. Giraffes
  23. Lions
  24. Rhinos
  25. Grizzly bear
  26. Hippos
  27. Horses
  28. Black bear
  29. Hippopotomus
  30. Brown bear

Famous scientists - (Text Question)

  1. Einstein
  2. Newton
  3. Curie
  4. Hawking
  5. Tesla
  6. Darwin
  7. Galileo
  8. Galilei
  9. Albert Einstein
  10. Marie Curie
  11. Isaac Newton
  12. Stephen Hawking
  13. Einstien
  14. Charles Darwin
  15. Issac newton
  16. Albert einstien
  17. Steven hawking
  18. Nikola Tesla
  19. Currie
  20. Marie currie
  21. Gallileo
  22. Galileo Galilei
  23. Madame curie
  24. Madam curie
  25. Stephen hawkings
  26. Nicola tesla
  27. Isacc newton
  28. Isac newton
  29. Stephan hawking
  30. Sir isaac newton
  31. Mary curie

seal_on_the_side_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Seal
  2. Snow
  3. Rock
  4. Cold
  5. Blubber
  6. Rocks
  7. Fat
  8. Ice
  9. Sea lion
  10. Stones
  11. Sealion
  12. Stone
  13. Seals
  14. Freezing
  15. Snowy
  16. Leopard seal
  17. Flubby
  18. Harp seal

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