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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 122

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 122

Cleaning supplies - (Text Question)

  1. Mop
  2. Broom
  3. Soap
  4. Bleach
  5. Cloth
  6. Sponge
  7. Window cleaner
  8. Water
  9. Bucket
  10. Brush
  11. Rag
  12. Windex
  13. Detergent
  14. Towel
  15. Clorox
  16. Scrub
  17. Rags
  18. Wipe
  19. Dish soap
  20. Scrubber
  21. Swiffer
  22. Glass cleaner
  23. Towels
  24. Pail
  25. Sweep
  26. Ajax
  27. Sponges
  28. Washing up liquid
  29. Mops
  30. Washcloth
  31. Wash cloth
  32. Borax
  33. Hot water
  34. Window spray
  35. Brooms
  36. Fairy liquid

Exercises - (Text Question)

  1. Running
  2. Sit ups
  3. Push ups
  4. Squats
  5. Jumping jacks
  6. Lunges
  7. Pull ups
  8. Run
  9. Crunches
  10. Push up
  11. Jogging
  12. Sit up
  13. Squat
  14. Jog
  15. Pull up
  16. Lunge
  17. Jumping jack
  18. Pushups
  19. Situps
  20. Treadmill
  21. Crunch
  22. Pushup
  23. Chin ups
  24. Situp
  25. Star jumps
  26. Pullups
  27. Chin up
  28. Sprints
  29. Press up
  30. Press ups
  31. Pullup
  32. Curl ups
  33. Star jump
  34. Pressups
  35. Curl up
  36. Pull-ups
  37. Push-up
  38. Push-ups
  39. Sit-ups

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. DNA
  2. Blue
  3. Science
  4. Genetics
  5. Cells
  6. Genes
  7. Cell
  8. Biology
  9. Chromosome
  10. Gene
  11. Chromosomes

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