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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 60

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 60

It's blue - (Text Question)

  1. Sky
  2. Water
  3. Blueberry
  4. Jeans
  5. Whale
  6. Smurf
  7. Ocean
  8. Sea
  9. blueberries
  10. Pool
  11. River
  12. berries
  13. jean
  14. smurfs
  15. blue whale
  16. blue jeans
  17. whales
  18. The ocean
  19. the sky
  20. The sea

Slang for "money" - (Text Question)

  1. Cash
  2. Buck
  3. Dough
  4. Moola
  5. Dollar
  6. Coin
  7. Dosh
  8. bucks
  9. coins
  10. dollars
  11. moolah
  12. doe
  13. mula
  14. bux
  15. dolla
  16. dollas
  17. mulla
  18. mullah

cat_food_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Cat
  2. Food
  3. Bucket
  4. Mess
  5. Spill
  6. Kitten
  7. kibble
  8. messy
  9. Kitty
  10. buckets

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