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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 379

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 379

Something with plastic packaging - (Text Question)

  1. Toy
  2. Water
  3. Meat
  4. Bread
  5. Milk
  6. Electronics
  7. Cheese
  8. Toys
  9. Water bottle
  10. Phone
  11. Water bottles
  12. Headphones
  13. Bottled water
  14. Electronic
  15. Lunch meat
  16. Meats
  17. Deli meat

You use it to remove stains - (Text Question)

  1. Soap
  2. Bleach
  3. Stain remover
  4. Vinegar
  5. Baking soda
  6. Club soda
  7. Lemon
  8. Detergent
  9. Tide
  10. Shout
  11. Vanish
  12. Soda
  13. Washing powder
  14. Laundry detergent
  15. Clorox
  16. Lemon juice
  17. Oxyclean
  18. Oxy clean
  19. Bleech
  20. Oxi clean
  21. Stain stick
  22. Dish soap
  23. Tide to go
  24. Tide pen
  25. Soda water
  26. Tide stick
  27. Detergant
  28. Remover
  29. Oxiclean
  30. Tide pods
  31. Washing liquid
  32. Laundry soap
  33. Vineger
  34. Spray n wash
  35. Seltzer water
  36. Bicarbonate soda
  37. Bicarb soda
  38. White vinegar
  39. Bicarbonate of soda
  40. Lemons
  41. Dettol

handstand_beach_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Beach
  2. Handstand
  3. Strong
  4. Balance beam
  5. Gymnastics
  6. Muscle
  7. Balance
  8. Beam
  9. Strength
  10. Hand stand
  11. Fit
  12. Muscles
  13. Gymnastic
  14. Muscular
  15. Standing on hends
  16. Strong man

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