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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 181

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 181

A difficult stain to remove - (Text Question)

  1. Wine
  2. Blood
  3. Oil
  4. Grass
  5. Ink
  6. Ketchup
  7. Juice
  8. Mud
  9. Chocolate
  10. Coffee
  11. Grease
  12. Dirt
  13. Marker
  14. Tomato
  15. Pen
  16. Tomato sauce
  17. Grape juice
  18. Sharpie
  19. Red wine
  20. Katchup
  21. Kool Aid
  22. Permanent marker
  23. Orange juice
  24. Punch
  25. Cranberry juice
  26. Cherry juice
  27. Fruit punch
  28. Grass stain
  29. Grass stains
  30. Kool-Aid
  31. Markers
  32. Motor oil
  33. Pen ink

Reasons people honk car horns - (Text Question)

  1. Traffic
  2. Say hello
  3. Slow drivers
  4. Cut off
  5. Accident
  6. Warning
  7. Pedestrians
  8. Animals
  9. Slow
  10. Hello
  11. People
  12. Animal
  13. Pedestrian
  14. Crash
  15. Slow driver
  16. Alert
  17. Warn
  18. Say hi
  19. Goodbye
  20. Kids
  21. Too slow
  22. Friends
  23. Say goodbye
  24. Greeting
  25. Jam
  26. Traffic jam
  27. Accidents
  28. Dogs
  29. Person
  30. Watch out
  31. Deer
  32. Avoid accident
  33. Cyclists
  34. To say hi
  35. Car crash
  36. Cutting off
  37. Saying hi
  38. Slow car
  39. Slow driving
  40. Driving too slow
  41. Go faster
  42. Going slow
  43. Saying hello
  44. See someone they know
  45. Slow cars
  46. About to crash
  47. Alert someone
  48. Animal crossing
  49. By accident
  50. Cut you off
  51. Get cut off
  52. Getting cut off
  53. Going to slow
  54. See a friend
  55. To say hello
  56. Animal in the road
  57. Animal on the road
  58. Being cut off
  59. Cut them off
  60. Got cut off
  61. Slow people
  62. Stuck in traffic
  63. To warn
  64. Traffic jams
  65. Warn others
  66. Warn people
  67. Warn someone

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Bungee jump
  2. Water
  3. Trees
  4. Fall
  5. Scary
  6. Rope
  7. Cord
  8. Jump
  9. Bungee
  10. Tree
  11. River
  12. Dangerous
  13. Forest
  14. Lake
  15. Falling
  16. Scared
  17. Fear
  18. Bungee jumping
  19. Bungy
  20. Bungy jump
  21. Free fall
  22. Bungy jumping
  23. Bunjee jumping
  24. Free falling
  25. Bungee jumper

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