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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 153

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 153

I'm proud of my ______ - (Text Question)

  1. Family
  2. Self
  3. Job
  4. Friends
  5. Education
  6. Pet
  7. Accomplishments
  8. Dog
  9. Grades
  10. Country
  11. Body
  12. Work
  13. Kids
  14. School
  15. Friend
  16. Mom
  17. Son
  18. Parents
  19. Children
  20. Child
  21. Kid
  22. Myself
  23. Husband
  24. Looks
  25. Dad
  26. Wife
  27. Spouse
  28. Daughter
  29. Accomplishment
  30. Achievements
  31. Mum
  32. Career
  33. Success
  34. Face
  35. Heritage
  36. Achievement
  37. Sister
  38. Boyfriend
  39. Degree
  40. Baby
  41. Partner
  42. Grade
  43. Appearance
  44. Culture
  45. Cat
  46. Weight
  47. Brother
  48. Mother
  49. Girlfriend
  50. Parent
  51. Results
  52. Beauty
  53. Diploma
  54. Eyes
  55. Siblings
  56. Cousin
  57. Father
  58. Height
  59. Marks
  60. Aunt
  61. Butt
  62. Grandma
  63. Sibling
  64. Uncle
  65. Grandpa
  66. Honor student

Things that can go wrong on holiday - (Text Question)

  1. Weather
  2. Illness
  3. Get lost
  4. Lose passport
  5. Lose luggage
  6. Miss flight
  7. Accident
  8. Sunburn
  9. Injury
  10. Lost
  11. Sick
  12. Rain
  13. Lost luggage
  14. Passport
  15. Ill
  16. Luggage
  17. Sickness
  18. Bad weather
  19. Food poisoning
  20. Miss plane
  21. Missed flight
  22. Get sick
  23. Lost passport
  24. Burn
  25. Lost baggage
  26. Sun burn
  27. Fall
  28. Lose suitcase
  29. Car accident
  30. Get ill
  31. Miss flights
  32. No passport
  33. Forget passport
  34. Getting lost
  35. Natural disaster
  36. Sunburnt
  37. Accidents
  38. Break a bone
  39. Broken bones
  40. Forgot passport
  41. Injured
  42. Lose bags
  43. Lost suitcase
  44. Missed plane
  45. Passports
  46. Disease
  47. Get hurt
  48. Injuries
  49. Losing luggage
  50. Losing passport
  51. Lost bags
  52. Luggage lost
  53. Miss a flight
  54. Missing flight
  55. Missing flights
  56. Missing luggage
  57. Passport stolen

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Knight
  2. Sword
  3. Armour
  4. Fight
  5. Crowd
  6. Medieval
  7. Helmet
  8. Armor
  9. Joust
  10. Mask
  11. Battle
  12. Audience
  13. Shield
  14. Duel
  15. Jousting
  16. Middle ages
  17. Fighting
  18. Spectators

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