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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 90

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 90

Photography equipment - (Text Question)

  1. Camera
  2. Tripod
  3. Lens
  4. Light
  5. Flash
  6. Film
  7. Backdrop
  8. Stand
  9. Lights
  10. Zoom
  11. Background
  12. Lenses
  13. Lighting
  14. Set
  15. Scene
  16. Green screen
  17. Scenery
  18. Flashes
  19. Camera stand
  20. Flasher

The jungle - (Text Question)

  1. Animals
  2. Trees
  3. Monkey
  4. Tiger
  5. Lion
  6. Green
  7. Snakes
  8. Rain
  9. Tarzan
  10. Wild
  11. Vines
  12. Plants
  13. Tree
  14. Birds
  15. Snake
  16. Leaves
  17. Monkeys
  18. Animal
  19. Vine
  20. Lions
  21. Tigers
  22. Bird
  23. Bear
  24. Bears
  25. Gorilla
  26. Jaguar
  27. Elephant
  28. Cheetah
  29. Panther
  30. Parrot
  31. Elephants
  32. Toucan
  33. Gorillas
  34. Jaguars
  35. Leopard

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Shark
  2. Ocean
  3. Teeth
  4. Scary
  5. Water
  6. Sea
  7. Great white
  8. Sharp
  9. Sharp teeth
  10. white shark
  11. Blue sea

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