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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 256

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 256

Something people are chased by in movies - (Text Question)

  1. Cars
  2. Monsters
  3. Killers
  4. Police
  5. Dogs
  6. Zombies
  7. Ghosts
  8. Monster
  9. Car
  10. Killer
  11. Dog
  12. Ghost
  13. Cops
  14. Zombie
  15. Murderer
  16. Murderers
  17. FBI
  18. Serial killer
  19. Cop
  20. Serial killers

You do this on a plane - (Text Question)

  1. Sleep
  2. Eat
  3. Watch a movie
  4. Read
  5. Listen to music
  6. Drink
  7. Talk
  8. Look out window
  9. Vomit
  10. Watch movies
  11. Watch movie
  12. Music
  13. Watch tv
  14. Movie
  15. Look out the window
  16. Watch
  17. Movies
  18. Throw up
  19. Look outside
  20. Nap
  21. Sick
  22. Watch films
  23. Read a book
  24. Eat peanuts
  25. Puke
  26. Watch film
  27. Watch a film
  28. Get sick
  29. Listen music
  30. Barf
  31. Eat food
  32. Film
  33. Watch television
  34. Films
  35. Get drunk
  36. Read magazine
  37. Sleeping
  38. Watch videos
  39. Eating
  40. Look out of the window
  41. Watch clouds
  42. Eat snacks
  43. Feel sick
  44. Look out a window
  45. Listening to music
  46. Look at view
  47. Read books
  48. Stare out the window
  49. Talk to people
  50. Watch the clouds
  51. Reading

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Horse
  2. Cowboy
  3. Rodeo
  4. Bull
  5. Cow
  6. Lasso
  7. Rope
  8. Horses
  9. Cattle
  10. Cows
  11. Bulls

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