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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 75

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 75

Something you need on a desert island - (Text Question)

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Shelter
  4. Friend
  5. Clothes
  6. Phone
  7. Fire
  8. Boat
  9. Knife
  10. Friends
  11. Tent
  12. Company
  13. Shade
  14. People
  15. Matches
  16. Clothing
  17. Heat
  18. Lighter
  19. Drink
  20. Coconut
  21. Chocolate
  22. Cactus
  23. Machete
  24. Mobile
  25. Cell phone
  26. Fresh water
  27. Tarp
  28. Telephone
  29. A friend
  30. Coconuts
  31. Drinking water
  32. Girlfriend
  33. A Cactus
  34. Any food
  35. A phone
  36. A shelter
  37. Boyfriend
  38. Camping place
  39. Clean water
  40. Companions
  41. Fire spark
  42. Freshwater
  43. IPhone
  44. Mobile phone
  45. Penknife
  46. Water bottle

Very slow animals - (Text Question)

  1. Turtle
  2. Snail
  3. Sloth
  4. Elephant
  5. Slug
  6. Koala
  7. Tortoise
  8. turtles
  9. snails
  10. sloths

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Clown
  2. Balloons
  3. Scary
  4. Colorful
  5. Colourful
  6. Party
  7. balloon
  8. colors
  9. Creepy
  10. colours
  11. colour
  12. clowns
  13. birthday party
  14. kids party

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