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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 44

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 44

Baby - (Text Question)

  1. Diaper
  2. Cry
  3. Cute
  4. Bottle
  5. Small
  6. Love
  7. Milk
  8. Pacifier
  9. Diapers
  10. Crying
  11. Little
  12. Formula
  13. Nappy
  14. Dummy
  15. Soother
  16. Tiny
  17. Binky
  18. Nappies
  19. Adorable
  20. Bottles

It's difficult to say - (Text Question)

  1. Love
  2. Sorry
  3. Goodbye
  4. Truth
  5. Break up
  6. I love you
  7. Breakup
  8. Bye
  9. Divorce
  10. Love you
  11. I was wrong
  12. I'm wrong
  13. Apology
  14. I'm sorry
  15. Apologize
  16. The truth
  17. I am wrong

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Doughnuts
  2. Sprinkles
  3. Hole
  4. Icing
  5. Sweet
  6. Donut
  7. Donuts
  8. sprinkle
  9. Frosting
  10. doughnut
  11. Glaze
  12. Glazed

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