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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 164

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 164

A celebrity known by only one name - (Text Question)

  1. Madonna
  2. Beyoncé
  3. Cher
  4. Rihanna
  5. Prince
  6. Pink
  7. Drake
  8. Adele
  9. Rhianna
  10. Madona

Rose _____ - (Text Question)

  1. Petal
  2. Bush
  3. Bud
  4. Garden
  5. Thorn
  6. Mary
  7. Water
  8. Gold
  9. Petals
  10. Marie
  11. Thorns
  12. Buds
  13. Rosemary
  14. Thorne
  15. Bushes
  16. Rose gold
  17. Rose petals
  18. Gardens
  19. Rose bud
  20. Rose bush
  21. Rose garden

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Video game
  2. Football
  3. Controller
  4. Hand
  5. Game
  6. Soccer
  7. FIFA
  8. Thumb
  9. Control
  10. Remote
  11. Finger
  12. Joystick

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