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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 342

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 342

Items found in a school lost and found - (Text Question)

  1. Jackets
  2. Books
  3. Hats
  4. Bag
  5. Bags
  6. Shoes
  7. Lunchbox
  8. Lunchboxes
  9. Phones
  10. Phone
  11. Gloves
  12. Jacket
  13. Hat
  14. Coat
  15. Book
  16. Lunch box
  17. Backpack
  18. Pencil case
  19. Notebook
  20. Coats
  21. Shoe
  22. Lunch boxes
  23. Glove
  24. Lunch
  25. Notebooks
  26. Pencil cases
  27. Bookbag
  28. Textbook
  29. Gym bag
  30. Sneakers
  31. Textbooks
  32. Lunches
  33. Book bag
  34. Bookbags
  35. Cellphone
  36. Cell phone
  37. Lunch kits
  38. Mobile
  39. Telephone
  40. Pencil pouch
  41. Runners
  42. Cell phones
  43. Gym shoes
  44. Lunchboxs
  45. Lunch kit
  46. Lunch pails
  47. Pencil bag
  48. Pencil bags

Secret _______ - (Text Question)

  1. Garden
  2. Admirer
  3. Code
  4. Service
  5. Agent
  6. Handshake
  7. Hand shake
  8. Passcode
  9. Agent man

train-platform_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Train
  2. Yellow
  3. Station
  4. Waiting
  5. Reflection
  6. Fast
  7. Wait
  8. Subway
  9. Platform
  10. Orange
  11. Speed
  12. Metro
  13. Yellow coat

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