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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 95

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 95

Toys typically for boys - (Text Question)

  1. Cars
  2. Balls
  3. Action figures
  4. Guns
  5. Legos
  6. Video games
  7. Trains
  8. Bikes
  9. Bike
  10. Trucks
  11. Ball
  12. Lego
  13. Gun
  14. Train
  15. Football
  16. Car
  17. Truck
  18. Action figure
  19. GI Joe
  20. Soldiers
  21. Baseball
  22. Army men
  23. Video game
  24. Basketball
  25. Playstation
  26. Nerf
  27. Xbox
  28. Action man
  29. Transformers
  30. Hot wheels
  31. Action men
  32. Gameboy
  33. Nerf guns
  34. Nerf gun
  35. Footballs
  36. Monster truck
  37. Toy gun
  38. Power Rangers
  39. Racecar
  40. Race cars
  41. Soccer ball
  42. Toy cars
  43. Toy guns
  44. BB gun
  45. G.I. Joe
  46. Toy car

Words that begin with a silent letter - (Text Question)

  1. Knife
  2. Know
  3. Knee
  4. Knight
  5. Knock
  6. Gnome
  7. Write
  8. Gnat
  9. Knew
  10. Known
  11. Knowing
  12. Written
  13. Knows
  14. Writing

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Plumber
  2. Sink
  3. Fix
  4. Tools
  5. Pipe
  6. Man
  7. Tool
  8. pipes
  9. Tap
  10. Repair
  11. Fixing

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