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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 197

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 197

Something people chase - (Text Question)

  1. Love
  2. Dogs
  3. Dreams
  4. Money
  5. Cars
  6. Kids
  7. Bus
  8. Dog
  9. Dream
  10. Girls
  11. Children
  12. Boys
  13. Kid
  14. Women
  15. Buses
  16. Child
  17. Men
  18. Wealth
  19. A dream
  20. Busses
  21. Lover
  22. Lovers
  23. The bus
  24. A bus
  25. Crush
  26. Crushes
  27. Love interest
  28. Their kids

Something people do while driving - (Text Question)

  1. Sing
  2. Talk
  3. Text
  4. Eat
  5. Drink
  6. Makeup
  7. Music
  8. Call
  9. Radio
  10. Listen to music
  11. Make up
  12. Listen to radio
  13. Put on makeup
  14. Talk on phone
  15. Talking
  16. Talk on the phone
  17. Texting
  18. Phone call
  19. Drink coffee
  20. Drinking
  21. Put on make up
  22. Calling
  23. Eating
  24. Listen to the radio
  25. Call people
  26. Singing
  27. Do makeup
  28. Eat food
  29. Put makeup on
  30. Talking on phone
  31. Apply makeup
  32. Call someone
  33. Do make up
  34. Listening to music
  35. Make phone calls
  36. Phone calls
  37. Play music
  38. Sing along
  39. Talking on the phone
  40. Talk to passenger
  41. Talk to passengers
  42. Talk to themselves

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Mask
  2. Glove
  3. Suit
  4. Toxic
  5. Yellow
  6. Gloves
  7. Hazmat
  8. Gas mask
  9. Suits
  10. Poison
  11. Masks
  12. Biohazard
  13. Radioactive
  14. Gas masks
  15. Body suit

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