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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 81

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 81

Something you raise - (Text Question)

  1. Children
  2. Animals
  3. Hand
  4. Money
  5. Plants
  6. Roof
  7. Flag
  8. Glass
  9. Kids
  10. Pet
  11. Pets
  12. Child
  13. Hands
  14. Plant
  15. Family
  16. Animal
  17. Kid
  18. Baby
  19. Chickens
  20. Dog
  21. Flowers
  22. Crops
  23. Toast
  24. Funds
  25. Tree
  26. The roof
  27. Vegetables
  28. Cattle
  29. Fish
  30. Chicken
  31. Dogs
  32. Cup
  33. Corn
  34. Cows
  35. Drink
  36. Flags
  37. Fund
  38. Babies
  39. Cat
  40. Crop
  41. Glasses
  42. Horse
  43. Pigs
  44. Cats
  45. Pig
  46. Fundraiser
  47. Horses
  48. Sheep
  49. Your glass
  50. Goats
  51. Your hand
  52. A child
  53. Chicks
  54. Cow
  55. Drinks
  56. Livestock
  57. Puppies
  58. A baby
  59. A dog
  60. A glass
  61. A kid
  62. A toast
  63. Farm animals
  64. Kitten
  65. Kittens
  66. Puppy

Types of boats - (Text Question)

  1. Speedboat
  2. Sailboat
  3. Yacht
  4. Canoe
  5. Cruise ship
  6. Fishing boat
  7. Pontoon boat
  8. Fishing
  9. Sail
  10. Cruise
  11. Speed
  12. Pontoon
  13. Row
  14. Motor
  15. Catamaran
  16. Rowboat
  17. Sailing
  18. Row boat
  19. Speed boat
  20. Motorboat
  21. Sail boat
  22. Schooner
  23. Motor boat
  24. Ocean liner
  25. Rowing boat
  26. Sailing boat
  27. Cruise liner
  28. Sailboats
  29. Moter boat
  30. Rowboats
  31. Speed boats

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Paint
  2. Ladder
  3. Bucket
  4. Wall
  5. White
  6. Painting
  7. Pail
  8. Walls
  9. Step
  10. Blank
  11. Stairs

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