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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 36

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 36

It's good for you but you don't like it - (Text Question)

  1. Vegetables
  2. Exercise
  3. Water
  4. Fruit
  5. Medicine
  6. Work
  7. Dentist
  8. Doctor
  9. Vegetable
  10. Fruits
  11. Homework
  12. Running
  13. Spinach
  14. Broccoli
  15. Salad
  16. Gym
  17. Veggies
  18. excercise
  19. Veg
  20. Job
  21. Kale
  22. Brussel sprouts
  23. Working out
  24. Drugs
  25. Asparagus
  26. Carrots
  27. Celery
  28. Antibiotics
  29. Cabbage
  30. Cauliflower
  31. Drinking water
  32. Peas
  33. Sprouts
  34. Watermelon
  35. Banana
  36. Bananas
  37. Brussels sprouts
  38. green vegetables
  39. Mushrooms
  40. Oranges
  41. Push ups
  42. Tomatoes

Poker - (Text Question)

  1. Cards
  2. Money
  3. Gambling
  4. Chips
  5. Aces
  6. Face
  7. Game
  8. Table
  9. Bluff
  10. Bet
  11. Ace
  12. Gamble
  13. Card
  14. Chip
  15. Deck
  16. Poker face
  17. King
  18. Queen
  19. Betting

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Honey
  2. Bee
  3. Hive
  4. Honeycomb
  5. Comb
  6. Queen
  7. Nest
  8. Bees
  9. Honey comb
  10. Beehive
  11. Bee hive
  12. Queen bee
  13. Honey bee
  14. Honeycombs
  15. Honey bees

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