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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 29

English (Other countries) Answers - Level 29

Parts of an airplane - (Text Question)

  1. Wing
  2. Engine
  3. Cockpit
  4. Tail
  5. Seats
  6. Landing gear
  7. Nose
  8. Window
  9. Windows
  10. Wheels
  11. Wings
  12. Seat
  13. Wheel
  14. Flaps
  15. Motor
  16. Turbine
  17. Cock pit
  18. Engines

Something you do before you go to bed - (Text Question)

  1. Brush teeth
  2. Shower
  3. Pajamas
  4. Put on pajamas
  5. Pee
  6. TV
  7. Read
  8. Alarm
  9. Watch TV
  10. Wash
  11. Toilet
  12. Set alarm
  13. Teeth
  14. Bath
  15. Pyjamas
  16. Bathroom
  17. Pjs
  18. Television
  19. Turn off TV
  20. Brush your teeth
  21. Clean teeth
  22. Toothbrush
  23. Get changed
  24. Put on pyjamas
  25. Brush my teeth
  26. Put on pjs
  27. Take a shower
  28. Change into pajamas
  29. Go to the bathroom
  30. Put on pijamas
  31. Put pyjamas on
  32. Get pajamas on
  33. Go to toilet
  34. Put pjs on

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Cactus
  2. Desert
  3. Hot
  4. Dry
  5. Mountain
  6. Rock
  7. Heat
  8. Arid
  9. Cliff

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